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Tricks all Salesforce Admins Need part 5 of 7 – Productivity Boosting Chrome Extensions #ForceFriday

Today's #ForceFriday post isn't anything new to the Salesforce Blogosphere but I wanted to call out the Chrome Extensions that I use in case you aren't using any at all or are looking for a short list of the ones you really need. Each of these Extensions is a tool I use to be more efficient and productive throughout my day.

Salesforce Boostr

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Why you need it:

Salesforce Boostr does a few things that admins will love:

  • Ability to search when adding items to a change set
  • Filtering by type when adding to a change set
  • Showing all items of a given type on one page when adding to a change set
  • Displaying the API Name next to field names when editing a field set
  • Using Pascal Case for the API Name when creating new objects and fields
  • Preventing the placeholder text from filling in the setup area sidebar

Salesforce Boostr solved a problem I have experienced FOR YEARS! I owe @mattsimonis so many beers. When Salesforce introduced the quick find search bar in Setup that made finding and navigating to Setup sections easier but the placeholder text sometimes doesn't load fast enough and you click into the search box faster... forcing you to re-type. Its been a problem with Chrome for years and now its not. Enhanced Formula Editor

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Why you need it:

Formula fields are an advanced topic that falls solely in the bucket of the Salesforce Admin Role and Responsibilities. Good Admins know formulas! Formulas can get large, cumbersome, and you can end up spending much more time fixing syntax errors that could have been avoided. Enter the Enhanced Formula Editor which makes writing formula's easier by coloring functions, allowing for easy tabbing, highlighting brackets, find and replace, and much more.

You will save time on your next formula. Trust me. LOGINS

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Why you need it:

Think of all the Salesforce logins you have right now. Even Admins at smaller companies will have at minimum 2 (Production and a Developer org) but if you're like me you have probably 100+ logins you've accumulated over the years and maybe 20 or so that you use one a regular basis. Between all the developer orgs for testing, Sandboxes, and production environments its difficult to keep track of everything. LOGINS provides a One-Click login to either Production/Sandbox and allows you to select a new tab or new window. Its a good password manager for Salesforce logins and saves me time by not having to deal with lost username/passwords all the time.

Those are the top ones I use specifically for productivity. There are many more Chrome Extensions our there. Here's a good list to get your started -