I'm obsessed with Checklists. OK, not obsessed but they are dreadfully useful is all sorts of situations. Checklists help ensure you don't miss anything, even for the most mundane tasks. Salesforce Administrators may not always be spinning up new orgs but on occasion you do. Sometimes it makes sense for an organization to have multiple Salesforce orgs or perhaps you are a independent consultant and you are doing new implementations. In my world, I now work for a Salesforce Partner, and I spin up a new Developer Org for each version release of each of our packages. I have more developer orgs than I can count... The below list is intended to be more of what I do which is typically spinning up an org for testing purposes.
This post was inspired by a post on the Salesforce community boards - https://success.salesforce.com/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g=0F9300000001oVp&fId=0D53000002dvXcS
Here are the things I do to the new org before I do anything else when setting up a new org... Its my New Org Checklist:
- Depending on if this is a Developer Org, Sandbox Refresh, or a new org I'll be working in I change the name of my user to this format:Developer Orgs - First Name: {Org Purpose or Package Name and Version} Last Name: {My Full Name}
Sandbox Orgs - First Name: {Sandbox Name} Last Name: {My Full Name}
- Add my chatter Photo

- My Generic Chatter Photo
- Update Company Name. I usually use this format:Developer Orgs - {Org Purpose or Package Name and Version} + {Actual Company Name}
Sandbox Orgs - {Sandbox Org Name} + {Actual Company Name}
- Add my login Credentials to the Force.com LOGINS Chrome Extension so I don't have to ever remember the password I set.
- Disable the Salesforce Notification Banner - http://releasenotes.docs.salesforce.com/en-us/summer14/release-notes/rn_salesforce_banner_disable.htm
- Clone the System Administrator Profile and create my own Custom "God" Profile. I add these Permissions to this profile
- Password Never Expires
- Manage Communities
- Manage Chatter Messages
- Moderate Chatter
- Moderate Communities Chatter Messages
- Moderate Communities Feeds
- Moderate Communities Files
- Bulk API Hard Delete
Note: You can also do this with Permission Sets which I encourage the use of. However, in some situations its nice to have a custom Profile created so from the get go I always start with a Custom Profile.
- Disable "Enable Enhanced Profile User Interface" - I prefer the old Profile Editor over the new view
- Enable "Enable Collapsible Sidebar"
The above checklist is mostly for Testing orgs (Developer/Sandbox Orgs) but what if you are spinning up a new Production Org? Follow this general checklist to ensure you don't miss anything when launching a new Production Org.
- Load the company logo and consider creating a custom App for the company that will make it easy for you to add custom objects to later.
- Consider disabling Quick Create - This feature allows users to quickly create records but it passes custom validation and custom fields so its often not a good feature to implement in an org that has any level of validation or de-duplication setup.
- Enable "Enable "Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation" and "Update Records with Inactive Owners" User Permissions" and set appropriate Profile permissions so you can import data into the new org and keep the audit fields set on your data. Disable after initial import.
- Set the Fiscal Year
- Enable Duplicate Management - This is always a requirement for every company, even if they don't know it.
- Install your Favorite Apps... Here's a short list of mine:
- Salesforce Adoption Dashboards - https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N30000004gHhLEAU
- Rollup Helper - https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N30000009i3UpEAI
- Field Trip - https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N30000003HSXEEA4
- Salesforce.com CRM Dashboards - https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N30000004g316EAA